Sunday, March 18, 2012

Just Gotta Ride

Twin Tiers horse folks, you just can't blame the weather if you haven't been riding the last few days.

There is nothing better to do in fine weather than to ride a fine horse.   It's so good! 

Here are the steeds that have toted me around:

Hudson modestly displays one of her characteristics the make it tough for her to bend -- her massive neck.
Starlight and I after our ride this afternoon.

I hope you get in lots of horseback time while the weather is so bugless, yet so warm. Happy trails to you!

1 comment:

  1. No riding yet, but have been sure to get up and see my pony. Allie seems to understand what's going on. Lisa has been riding her for me and Allie jumped 2'3" & 2'6" in a lesson. Elley got to ride her Sunday (see pics on my FB page) working on Allie's dressage.

    I love Hudson's big neck. Your horses are so sweet. I always have to sneak a peak at them as I drive by..
