Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Working the Details

With less than two weeks to the Hunt Races, Hudson is starting to get her beauty treatment.  

Tonight, I shortened her mane and trim her awesomely long ear hair.  I don't trim hair out of the inside of the ear, just fold the ear closed like a taco and trim the stuff that sticks out.  Hers happened to be about three inches long at the bottom.   I trimmed off the goat hair under her jowls, but left her whiskers.

Closed her eyes in every shot tonight.
Since the hunt races are based on the tradition of fox hunting, I imagine she should be turned out as though she is going to the hunt, or at least some close proximity.  So that means a very practical turn-out, neat and clean and nothing extravagant.  

"Clean" on a mostly white horse is always a challenge, but we'll give it our best shot.

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